Monday 5 November 2007

Cars and space

Wednesday 24 October 2007


Science is a social activity carried out by a remarkable, but by no means omnipotent species.

Richard Lewontin

Wednesday 17 October 2007

BMI & Calories Burned Report

You are a 37 year old woman, 166.0 centimeters tall, with a current weight of 69.0kg. You lead a sedentary lifestyle, and participate in the following exercise:

60 minutes of bicycling, 12-13.9 mph, leisure, moderate effort
15 minutes of stretching, hatha yoga

Your Body Mass Index

Your current Body Mass Index (BMI) is 25.0.

BMI is a standardized ratio of weight to height, and is often used as a general indicator of health. The "normal" BMI for an adult woman of your height is 18.5 to 24.9. This translates to a healthy weight range of 51 to 69 kg.However, BMI does not take body composition into account. A weight above this range could still be considered healthy if your percentage body fat is less than average. For more accurate determination of body fat levels, consider using a body fat caliper.

Your Calories Burned

Here is an estimate of your daily energy needs...

Calories Burned
Daily Energy Expenditure: 1965 kcal ( 8227 kJ)
Additional Calories from Exercise: + 688.0 kcal ( 2881 kJ)

Estimated Energy Requirement: 2653.0 kcal ( 11108 kJ)
If Pregnant
1st trimester 2nd trimester 3rd trimester
2653.0 kcal ( 11108 kJ) 2993.0 kcal ( 12531 kJ) 3105.0 kcal ( 13000 kJ)

If Lactating
0-6 months >6 months
2983.0 kcal ( 12489 kJ) 3053.0 kcal ( 12782 kJ)

Sunday 24 June 2007

Horny Odie The Wonder Dog

Odie gets rejected so he takes "care" of himself the old fashioned way. I think we can all relate to this situation.

read more | digg story

Friday 4 May 2007


There are lots of different definitions of time, but for me the most acceptable is that time is the unit that measures transformations (movements, changes of state, whatever) of the matter.
If there's no matter, there's no time, because there's nothing that can be measured, so time makes no sense.
If the universe had a beginning from nothing, time first appeared with the appearance of the first piece of matter.
I also could assert that if there's matter but there's no movement, no transformation, there's no time, because if we have a constant state, time makes no sense since all is always the same.
In a immutable universe there are no references to measure time.
If time can't exist without matter, it appeared after of at the same time than matter.

Time can stop if the universe stops all his movements and transformations.
Time is a vector, an arrow that indicates the direction of transformation. If nothing transforms or change, how can we measure time?
No sun clocks, since the sun doesn't chance it's position, no clocks, since nothing move.

Time is the measure of cycles and it's direction is determined by irreversible transformations.

"For the first half of geological time our ancestors were bacteria. Most creatures still are bacteria, and each one of our trillions of cells is a colony of bacteria."

Richard Dawkins

Thursday 3 May 2007


Peuk meuk rotzooi rommel vuilnis afval